National stakeholders’ consultation workshop on the FSC interim national standard (INS) of Ethiopia took place in Addis Ababa.
This workshop is part of the FSC forest certification process in Ethiopia, after community level field testing and regional stakeholders consultation workshop underwent in Jimma. The objective of the national consultation workshop is to validate the draft INS before conducting the final ratification of the standard which is translated into Amharic for local community.
At the opening of the workshop Ethiopian Forest Development (EFD) Director General, Mr. Kebede Yimam expressed the significance of the national standard and the knowledge transfer on forest stewardship certification process to all regional and federal level experts.
Regional program manager of INBAR Dr. Selim Reza also conveyed his gratitude to all actors who helped this INS process.
Governmental and non-governmental institutions working around forestry and environment have participated through their representatives and they discussed important issues from the draft document of INS in detail.
Feedbacks from participants will be part of the main draft document of FSC Interim National Standard of Ethiopia and by INBAR and EWNRA before
Main facilitators of the program and the workshop in Ethiopia, International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR) and Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA) with Soil association (UK) and Forest of the world have been implementing procedures to certify forests by the standard of FSC.