You are currently viewing EWNRA has received a feedback from the Federal CSO Authority on the monitoring they have undertaken a few weeks ago.

EWNRA has received a feedback from the Federal CSO Authority on the monitoring they have undertaken a few weeks ago.

EWNRA has received a feedback from the Federal CSO Authority on the monitoring they have undertaken a few weeks ago. Particularly they have conducted a field monitoring and evaluation on the project activities being implemented in the Oromia Region, West Guji Zone, Abaya, and Hambela Wamena districts from 05/07/2024 to 27/07/2024 to verify that our organization is carrying out its project activities in compliance with the law. Based on this, they sent us the findings of the monitoring and evaluation, highlighting the strengths and challenges of our projects there.
Here we present the translated English version and the original Amharic copy of the feedback.

የፌዴራል የሲቪል ማህበረሰብ ድርጅቶች ባለስልጣን(ACSO) ከጥቂት ሳምንታታት በፊት ገምጋሚ ባለሙያዎችን በኦሮሚያ ክልል በምዕራብ ጉጂ ዞን በአባያና ሐምበላ ዋመና ወረዳዎች ወደሚገኙት ፕሮጀክቶቻችን በመላክ በኢትዮ ዌትላንድስ ኤንድ ናቹራል ሪሶርስስ አሶሴሽን የስራ አፈፃፀም ላይ ትኩረት አድርገው ከ28/10/2016 እስከ 20/11/2016 ድረስ የመስክ ግምገማ አካሂደው ነበር።
በዚህ መሰረት በባለሙያዎች ቡድን በተደረገው ግምገማ የፕሮጀክቶቻችንን ጥንካሬ እና ክፍተቶችን የሚያመለክት ግብረ መልስ ልከውልናል።
እነሆ፣ የግብረ መልሱን የእንግሊዘኛ ትርጉም ከአማርኛ ቅጂው ጋር አያይዘን እንደሚከተልው አቅርበነዋል።

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