Monitoring team visited various project beneficiaries in Abaya district.
A joint monitoring team from Menschen für Menschen Switzerland (MfM CH) Ethiopia office (the funding agency of successive project phases in the area) and Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (the implementing organization) has commenced its monitoring today.
A group of senior leaders and experts from both organizations marched together to rural communities where selected beneficiaries are showing progresses to improve their lives through the supports from the projects.
In this regular monitoring visit the team tried to address numbers of beneficiaries who are actively engaged in women SACCO revolving fund services, sheep rearing, animal fattening, Enset/banana/coffee seedlings, grain trade, Borena Heifers provision and donkey cart support in five different Kebeles of Abaya district.
From Menschen für Menschen Switzerland side Mr Getachew Zewdu and Dr. Martin Gunder have witnessed improvements and progressions of the beneficiaries and held brief discussions with them. They also interviewed many individual beneficiaries and groups across the visit in which they expressed and impressed by the improvements they witnessed in the lives of most beneficiaries. They also commented on some gaps to be corrected by EWNRA project staffs and beneficiaries themselves.
From EWNRA side the Executive Director Mr. Afework Hailu has joined the visit with his team from Abaya district experts and head office. EWNRA team has prepared the monitoring schedule and explained some project progressions when asked by the visiting team.
Visited beneficiaries also expressed their satisfactions and most of them are so grateful for the opportunities provided by MfM CH and EWNRA which they stated as a life changing project.
This joint monitoring visit is prescheduled as a two days activity and expected to continue tomorrow in some other Kebeles (community villages) to meet more beneficiaries and inspect the proper implementation of the project.