It’s with deep sadness that we at Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA) have learnt of the passing of our Program Director, Shewaye Deribe W/Yohannes.
He passed away suddenly after a peaceful working day around 10:30 pm on Friday, 24th of November, 2023 G.C.
Shewaye 63 was born on 14th of January, 1960 to his father Mr. Deribe Woldeyohannes and his mother Mrs. Woelete-Selassie Gebresadik in Wolayta Sodo town where he has attended his primary and secondary education.
He was married to Mrs. Atsede Hadgo for 34 years and he is a father of one son and two daughters. He was an exemplary husband and father for his three children. Moreover, he was spiritually committed and lived his life in a maximum loyalty to God according to the principles of his religion.
Shewaye joined Addis Ababa University in 1981 G.C where he gets his BSc degree in Biology. After his graduation, Shewaye served as dedicated teacher across Ethiopia and Eritrea for over 17 years specifically in the public schools of Barentu Secondary School (Eritrea), Geresu Duki High School (Wolisso) and Sebeta Secondary School (Sebeta). In the year 2000 G.C. he also advanced his academic level to MSc degree from the same University (AAU) in “Advanced Biology”. Since 2001 G.C. he worked for the Federal Environmental Protection Authority – Ethiopia, as a Biodiversity specialist and team leader at ecosystem management department undertaken diversified environmental assignments to realize implementation of the Environment Policy, Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia and Multilateral Environmental Conventions to which Ethiopia is a party. He also participated in environmental assessment in lowland, midland and highland areas of Ethiopia. He prepared ecosystem management guidelines, participated in the preparation of National Capacity Needs Assessment for Ethiopia (EPA) and coordinated development of ecosystem management plans and contributed to policy dialogues in biodiversity conservation and sustainable environmental management with successful accomplishments until he joined our organization EWNRA in 2007 G.C.
After he became part of EWNRA, Shewaye made enormous contributions in program design and coordinate implementation of integrated projects that help enhance the vigor of natural resources and services thereof, and contribute to community level food security, livelihoods, energy saving, WASH and building resilience to climate change. He led program teams and play leadership role in managing project finance and other resources in the implementation process. He has led in fund raising and management, monitoring and evaluation, report writing, conducting training on environmental topics and handle various routines.
For the last 16 years, Ato Shewaye Derbie wholeheartedly dedicated his service to EWNRA, initially joining as a program officer and later assuming the role of Program Director. Ato Shewaye was not only a respected leader and colleague but also a cherished friend. As a key member of EWNRA’s top management, Ato Shewaye consistently proved to be a valuable asset to our organization. His impactful contributions reached countless communities on a national scale across Ethiopia, leaving a lasting legacy. Ato Shewaye’s absence will be deeply felt at EWNRA, and his memory will always be held in high regard.
He also served as a founding board member of MELCA-Ethiopia ( from 2006 G.C to 2012 G.C and recognized for his high contribution and year of service by the organization.
Apparently while working for EWNRA, Shewaye contributed a lot as a freelancer and workshop coordinator. He put his footprint for the environmental services industry worked as a freelancer as an Environment and Development consultant and he provided advisory services in areas of Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development nationally and abroad. He also has participated in project/program evaluations and development policy dialogues at higher levels ( He developed ecosystem management strategy, plan and program/project, Training on environmental topics and climate change, Climate adaptation technology selection and implementation, Conducted an Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing (
Shewaye has worked as a Climate change and environment advisor at Canadian Embassy from March 2017G.C – June 2018 G.C Contributed expert technical services and undertaken diverse tasks in order to ensure the effective and efficient results-based management of Global Affairs Canada’s projects/programs in Ethiopia. Specifically he contributed to the Livelihood, Agriculture and National Development (LAND) project funded by the Embassy as a Canadian support to the Sustainable Land Management Project phase II (SLMP II) of Ethiopia.
He made analysis of the new government project entitled: Resilient Landscapes and Livelihood Project (RLLP), which is the third phase of SLMP in line with the Development Policy of Canada and provided recommendations to inform policy dialogue on the inclusion of climate change mitigation/adaptation interventions, environmental issues and other key policy issues such as gender and inclusive economic development.
Beyond his country, Shewaye shared his experience and wisdom while he participated in international workshops and events in around 17 different countries across the world. He presented lots of research papers on the issues of Environmental Protection, Wetland Management, Biodiversity and nature conservation (
He specifically worked as a Consultant for the Wetland Project in Nile Basin Initiative, Entebbe, Uganda from March 2016 G.C – June 2016 G.C. In his stay he provided a short-term consultancy service to the Nile Basin Initiative Project entitled “Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Ecosystem Services of Wetlands of Trans boundary Relevance in the Nile Basin” for the Wetland Project.
Shewaye had a strong social bond among the community and the villagers where he lived for a long time in Aleme Gena area. He was member of the coordinating committee in the construction of the nearby Alemgena Debresina St. Kidane Mihret Church for which he was highly honored by the community at the funeral service.
He will be remembered eternally for his personal integrity, outstanding leadership, kindness, the love he left in our memories.
During this challenging time, we extend our heartfelt condolences to his beloved family, whom he cherished deeply, as well as to his friends and colleagues, both past and present.
Embedded forever in our Hearts!!
May his soul find eternal peace!!
From EWNRA family!