The Honorable Harjit S. Sajjan, Minister of International Development arrived in Ethiopia and visited 4R nutrient stewardship project activities in Minjar Shenkora Woreda, supported by the government of Canada and implemented by EWNRA under the follow up of CDF Canada office.
Honorable Minister Sajjan is also accompanied by Arielle Kayabaga, Member of Parliament for London West.
They visited different activities of 4R NS project applications in Eranbuti area of Minjar Shenkora district, where groups of farmer beneficiaries are performing agricultural, livelihood and gender based improvements of the project.
In the interview session with the visiting team, the farmers have explained their progresses since their engagement in the project. Representatives from various groups of beneficiaries in activities like Fertilizer Applications (Trials), Gender Model Families (GMF), Cooperatives (Multi-purpose Cooperatives and SACCOs), Rural Commercial Women and Agro-Forestry have briefly discussed with the Honorable Minister and his team about the opportunities and challenges they are facing. They also expressed their gratitude and appreciations for all the supports from the government of Canada.
Honorable Minister Sajjan also told the beneficiaries that he expects them to be more successful in the projects being implemented. He said the government of Canada is committed to support such community based developments especially empowering women in need.
Ben André, Executive Director Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF Canada) and Clyde Graham, Executive Vice-President of Fertilizer Canada, Berhanu Ambaw, Country Manager of CDF Ethiopia Office and Afework Hailu, Executive Director of EWNRA were also part of the visiting team along with staff members from Embassy of Canada in Ethiopia, CDF Canada country office, EWNRA and the local administrative of Minjar Shenkora district.
Head administrator of the Minjar Shenkora district Mr. Aychiluhm Tenagashaw also expressed his appreciations to the project and confirmed their commitment to work hand to hand with all stakeholders of the project because of the changes they are witnessing in the community due to the project.